Jon Paul Crimi, Breathwork, Mediation and Recovery Coach, states that “breathwork is like 20 years of therapy without saying a word.”
This post is in response to the above statement.

When someone tells you (teacher or student) that a deep breathing workshop is like 20 years of therapy, don’t believe them and don’t bother with it. Think, and know that the person flipping their gums needs 20 more years of therapy and a new fucking therapist.
People are so wounded that a little kindness and breathing feels like their world has just changed. I see that all the time. For a moment there is peace, just like with a glass a wine, an orgasm, or a hit. Hell, the world is designed for that feeling and you are part of it. The point is as teachers we don’t propagate that bullshit as an end and we certainly don’t use people’s quotes while they are high to promote it… At the very least as teachers, we have a duty to:
1. Let everyone know we are full of shit.
2. Let folks know that the ceiling for growth from anything physical is very low.
The first duty takes real introspection and exposure to the truth to know how far away we are from it.
The second is one that anyone with their head out of their ass should know. It’s pure science. You can’t grow intellectually or emotional from physical exercise of any sort. Pranayama and asana were literally prescribed for dumb asses. That’s why I connected to it so much. No one is dumber than me, not even you. The only difference is I know it and it makes me safe from myself and I’m not reckless with others. You, on the other hand, haven’t a clue. I mean that as a fact with no disrespect.
I took the time to write this not to one up you or engage in war.. nor do I want to change you. I wrote this because the others who will read this may learn something from it. Maybe someone will think, “how is it possible that through deep breathing I will no longer be selfish? How, through this wonderful workshop, will it equate to 20 years of introspection, 20 years of therapy, 20 years of sobriety..?
Not saying that a night of doing “breathwork” isn’t a wonderful way to spend an evening. It is. It’s lovely to go take a Hatha Yoga class. Hell, I’ve had 12 studios. When folks leave and say, “this class saved my life”, I don’t promote it saying, “come take my class, people say it saved their lives”. Why don’t I? Because, thank goodness, my level of insanity doesn’t take me there.
The first thing my teacher ever said to me when I asked, “how is it that I can fill up so many rooms and be adored by many when I haven’t a clue truly how to live?” His response was “that’s because you are full of shit and people flock to those who are full of shit. A man of true wisdom will never have a huge crowd”. It made all the sense in the world to me.
Thank you, Jon Paul Crimi, for sharing your thoughts on my Facebook page, for making room for all of us to learn, to question, to reflect and analyze.
As Josh Billings says, “the trouble with most folks isn’t their ignorance. It’s knowin’ so many things that ain’t so.”
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