Searching For Me

Silver Cave is the English translation - Viet Nam

As I pedal (on a life cycle in Hoi An) my way through another song on the instructor’s playlist (Tesla, “What You Give”) I am smiling, really marveling at my existence.

Who am I? I have searched through the scriptures from the West to the East. I continue to kneel at my teacher’s feet.  I have heard the answer.  But never once have I lived it or truly felt it.

What a life I live!  A life so full, so complete, but only to the naked eye. I am the only one who knows this creation called EP. Yet, I cannot seem to get beyond him; except for the faintest tad of consciousness that has me, at times, watching this guy, who I know is not really me.

Adored by his fans

I have traveled far and wide.  Yet for all the miles I have logged, I have not budged. I yearn to know who I am, but I am stuck in what I am not.  I watch the world go ’round. I hear your problems and I know my own.  I do see a oneness; it’s all of us lost!

This is my journey.  However, I know I am not alone. There are only a few of you out there who may understand me, and to you I say let us keep on searching; patiently, courageously, never giving up and never turning our backs on this great mission.

Let you and I be full of class when we quietly look the world in the face and say “KISS MY ASS”, for we will not fall prey to our little lives. There is something bigger, something better, somewhere in you and me and we will die looking for it.

No more will we base a changeless happiness on a changing world. Let us Rise from the basement of ignorance and reach up to the Throne Room, the Ultimate Shelter; the world beyond the one we know. The world where we are all knowing… One step at a time…




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