Renunciation: The path to bliss, peace and happiness


“Implore your intellect not to be attached to anything the world offers. It is simply knowledge, and understanding. Analyze at every level. You feel the next level of achievement will [lead to] happiness. But you get acclimatized to that level; it is simply a matter of time…you eventually feel the same sense of imperfection at that higher level. This only ends at the point where you understand there is no such point. You gain the understanding that nothing in this world can give it to you”.

– Swami A. Parthasarathy

This sheer understanding is Renunciation – controlling yourself from craving the next level – any level!



My Dear Teacher, Swamiji, spoke these words.  My dear brother, Justin Verier-Dunn, passed them to me; he so wisely placed himself at the foot of Swamiji for the past 2.5  years.

Anyone of us can repeat these words. We can discuss and pontificate on and on about them, as I am tempted to do.

But none of it is worth a shit. These are words to be lived.  The only way to live them is to reflect and contemplate upon them.

Knock yourself out!
Peace, EP

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