Make a Living or Make a Life

Almost perfect triangles

Have you ever sat back and thought about where we would be as humans if we used the time we spend learning how to make a living, on learning how to make a life?


I think we can agree that it takes about 18 years to ramp up and then start the process of making a living.

So we graduate from high school and do not further our education. We find a job and we begin… not knowing how many twists and turns we will take just to “like” what we are doing and be able to support ourselves.

Now let us assume we take a longer road that has us extending our education. We have the career we want. We make all the money we could ever dream of making. But does this make a life?

If it did, it would mean that everyone that likes what they are doing and makes a sufficient amount of money to meet their needs would not have addictions, divorce, depression, anxiety and a host of other disorders that too many people suffer from.

Way, way too much time, effort and finances go into making a living.

All other animals are able to make a living, in just a few years after birth. But, we the kings and queens of the Earth, spend our entire lives trying to earn, maintain, save and for what?

Everything we do, we do so that we can be happy. Every single action we take, including all of our intentions come back to this one thing… happiness.

Making a living is important. But it does not make a life. In fact, I say that no matter what kind of living you make, it can never make a life. But if you make a life you will never be without a living!

There are two types of education: Servile and Liberal. Servile is the
type of education taught in schools throughout the world. They teach us to earn, to become an expert in a particular field so we can provide ourselves with the material necessities to survive.

There is no end to this type of education. One can go on and on through his entire life without reaching the end.

The other type of education is Liberal. This type of education helps one learn how to handle the world, to deal with life, and to reach the ultimate state of human perfection, Self Realization.

With a Liberal education you learn to think for yourself, reason, reflect, contemplate and question. There is an end to this type of education; it ends with the student unveiling his true identity, his “god head”.

Words to live by

A Liberal education will find you happiness at every corner. With a Servile education you will look for happiness around every corner.
With a Servile education someone will push information into you.

Whereas with a Liberal education, someone will help pull the information out of you. Here is an example to help underscore how great a difference there is between the schools. When sitting in a room at night that is lit, you will notice the light bulbs illuminating that particular room. However, the light bulbs in that room cannot light another room! Those lights have only one use and its limited to that room. Now take a flashlight in your hand and walk with it. The flashlight lights up every room you enter. Wherever you go, there is light!

Life has an infinite amount of rooms and the education we spend our entire lives obtaining, only prepares us to shed light on one room!

Liberal education allows us to shed light on any room we are in. Yet nobody is registered for this school of thought.

No doubt it is difficult to break away from the herd, the “everybody
is doing it mentality”
. But once you look at the “it” that everyone is doing, you will see that the “it” does not work.

A universal law of life is what we feed grows. Happiness is most important to us all. It is why we do everything we do. However, our “guide to happiness” is obviously turned off. Otherwise all of us could claim happiness, since we are basically all moving every day through the same hoops.

Maybe its time we stop feeding ourselves with the thought that making a living, (career, relationship, family, power, fame) is how to achieve the happiness.

Maybe the thought of making a life (our bodies, our vehicles of service, our minds filled with love and gratitude, and our intellects focused on the most noble principles and teachings) is where it is at.

Let us grow a relationship with ourselves and the world that is harmonious; allow every thought, and action align with that, and let us surround ourselves with people who support our quest.

The only real way to make a living is to make a life!

We can start to make a life anytime. But it is much easier to do
it before we have made a mess.

I am not saying do not go after a formal education to seek a career. What I am saying is let us make sure we get a life so we do not create strife. Then we can keep our husbands and our wives!

Last, but not least, by this time (assuming you are still reading) you
must be asking how do I get a Liberal education?

The way to get started is to begin questioning everything!  Questioning is the birth of all creation. There is no creation without questioning. If you simply follow the herd, then at best all you can do is imitate. But as soon as you begin to really question, a whole new world comes to life.

Look at all the inventions that have been created throughout the world; all the miracle surgeries and drugs, all the transportation, architecture, art, etc., were created by people thinking for themselves which comes from questioning. Do not take anything for granted. Do not have any preconceived notions.

Question everything and you will be on your way out of the box. You will break away from the herd and begin to make a life.




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  1. Keep Blogging…It’s fantastic! Making a living vs. making a life…the yoga shelter is all about making a life! And with some of the most beautiful people on earth. much love to You and Lisa.

  2. very true. even at my age, half way through my life span i am trying to figure out how to own a business that will be fun and interesting for others to participate in which will lead to value vs. trying to make money. i think if the people find it helpful , interesting , or entertaining, the money will come without me trying to convince them. now, just to figure out what IT is 🙂
    peace >*<

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